When my friend Louisa asked me if I wanted to come to a fitness festival, my first reaction was hesitation. I absolutely love working out and keeping my body in a fit condition when I can but the idea of going to a festival for a three day weekend of HIIT, TRX, Yoga, Meditiation, Spinning – you name it, I was a little scared.
It was the very first event for Love Fit festival, held in the beautiful countryside of Kent, just 1 hours drive outside of London. We arrived on the Friday evening and pitched out tents in the terrible winds and intermittent rain. I can’t say I’m an avid British festival goer, as truth be told I’m scared of being alone outside in the weather conditions us brits are best known for. However, with comrades by your side I got into it and we set up the tent and proceeded to head into the festival and enjoy the first night.
Calorie conscious alcohol bar and snack tents was actually quite fun. Knowing that you could still have a good time but get tipsy and dance the night (calories) away for quite a new experience. You can download the app and pre book all of the fitness classes you wanted to do. We started the Saturday off quietly with a 9am forest meditation followed by a hot tub session in a beautiful woodland clearing, fire lit wooden hot tubs had us feeling one at nature immediately. Followed by a free nut butter toast nest door with my absolute favourite nut company – pip and nut. I met these guys a couple of years ago in London and have been buying their almond butter for my morning smoothie ever since.
So following our morning of peaceful experiences we decided to dive into a HIIT session coupled with pilates. Which lead to the same moves you would consider using throughout yoga/pilates but done quicker and more exuberantly. It was really fun and inspiring and I learnt a lot of moves to try at home within my own workout.
I think that was the biggest joy of this festival. You are being coached by so many leaders within the fitness movement, there is so much to take away and to inspire you. I love living a full life which includes eating the best food, travelling to the most wonderful countries, but i also really value my own time. Meditation, yoga, working out. this is all important for a full body and mind experience. I am seriously looking forward to attending again next year, and I hope to see you all with me then!